Veterinary Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
Patient of the Month

July Patient of the Month: Ginger Forster
Client Name: Katherine Forster Patient Name: Ginger Brief History of Pet: We got Ginger in March of 2019, a family decision to get a new pup. She is the Mastiff of the house and well we all know it.“Ginger came to us with elbow dysplasia and elbow arthritis that was...

June Patient of the Month: Drax Luchene
Client Name: Alisa & Canton LuchenePatient Name: Drax“This handsome man was a joy to work with and always came in with a positive attitude I really enjoyed my time with him and had a lot of fun being part of his recovery!”Why VSMR? Drax came to VSMR in January of...

May Patient of the Month: Chloe Ihrke
Client Name: Client Name: Jim & Colleen Immornino/The Ihrke Family Patient Name: Chloe Brief History of Pet In 2018, our niece was fostering a French bulldog who was returned to a pet store where her son worked. Since she already had 2 very large Rhodesian Ridgebacks...

April Patient of the Month: Finnbar Morrissey
Client Name: Kathryn Morrissey Patient Name: Finnbar Brief History of Pet After my first westie was diagnosed with terminal cancer on October 31st, 2012, I knew that I wanted another dog. I couldn't face coming home and not having a dog there to greet me. Therefore, I...

March Patient of the Month: Honey Bear & Mushu Butler
Client Name: Jolene ButlerPatient Name: Honey Bear & Mushu Brief History of Pet Honey Bear was adopted from Tender Loving Care Animal Shelter on March 10th, 2012. My first pup had passed away two months previously, and I missed having company. She sat in my lap,...

February Patient of the Month: Sansa Morrisey
Client Name: Angie MorrisseyPatient Name: Sansa Brief History of Pet We adopted Sansa when we lived in Phoenix, AZ, about seven years ago as a companion for our other mastiff. She was very shy and unsure of herself at first, but she has blossomed into the overly...

December Patient of the Month: Reese Nealon
Client Name: Marian NealonPatient Name: Reese Brief History of Pet My husband, Bob, and I got Reese in July 2017, when she was about one and a half years old. We didn’t “rescue” her in a technical sense from a shelter, but we are her second owners. We learned from our...

November Patient of the Month: Miloh Addis
Client Name: Carmen & Dina AddisPatient Name: Miloh Brief History of Pet We adopted Miloh on August 20, 2014, from TLC because we were ready to open our home to another dog. He is your typical lovable hound and loves to cuddle on the couch when he is not...

October Patient of the Month: Bella Panozzo
Client Name: Peggy Panozzo Patient Name: Bella Brief History of Pet Bella came into our life while looking for a better quality of cat food for our cat Jade. We shop at a small "mom and pop shop" (which recently closed its doors after 50 years) in Naperville. As we...

September Patient of the Month: Snickers Meyer
Client Name: Irene Meyer Patient Name: Snickers Brief History of Pet We’ve owned Snickers since 2013. We purchased him through a Sheltie breeder we’ve known for years. My husband and I have owned Shelties for all of our married life... 40+ years. We enjoy the...