Patient Name: Loco

Brief History of Pet
I got Loco back in August of 2008. He was going to be taken to an animal shelter if nobody wanted to take him. I knew that if he went to a shelter, he would not have gotten adopted and would have been bound for being put down as his energy level was through the roof. I decided to take him in because I just felt like it was the right thing to do. Locz and I had a rough start, was always breaking out of his kennel, making mad dashes every time a door opened regardless of what it was open for and a runner. Sometimes made me wonder if I was cut-out for owning a dog. It hit me one night while he slept at the end of the bed, and I thought he was having a seizure; it was him just dreaming barking and running in his sleep.
His back legs started out being shakey about 3 years ago. We then brought him places to just go for a supervised swim and we noticed a huge improvement with therapy. Once the previous place closed, I needed to find a new place and decided on VSMRHG for him to continue on with his therapy and keeping his legs from being shaky and as old age kicked in, he is now tight in his back legs and walks like he has stilts. (VSMR) can add more on what information you have on him as well.
While watching him sleep the feeling I had was I am going to make this his forever home and give him the best life I can give him and since that moment and every day since. I have made every day the best day for him.
Unlike other places. VSMRHG are board certified in therapy for animals. I suggest to any pet owner to do your homework before going anywhere.
Favorite Motivator
Beef Liver Treats
How VSMR has helped
The therapy has helped stabilize him as well as still giving him the opportunity to still do what he loves walking, playing with his purple ball and enjoying his senior years without being in pain
Additional Information
I met my current wife as I needed a dog sitter when I went out of town. We both agree that he brought us together. He does not participate in any sports unless you count digging up my wife’s garden for him to sit in a sport. When he slept in bed with us, I would be stuck in the middle of the bed, and he would have his head on my pillow. In the mornings he would push his head on my chest to roll me over and just stand over the top of me looking at me like “You ready to get this day going” so I’d get out of bed and he’s running down the stairs ready to play as I would chase him around the house. “I Miss those days”
Non-Profit Organization
Will County Humane Society
Veterinarian in Shorewood, IL | Animal Care Center of Shorewood
Veterinary Rehabilitation Hospital in Homer Glen, IL | VSMR (
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