Patient Name: Bella
Brief History of Pet
Bella came into our life while looking for a better quality of cat food for our cat Jade. We shop at a small “mom and pop shop” (which recently closed its doors after 50 years) in Naperville. As we entered the store, we saw Bella in the meet and greet area. We couldn’t pass her up as she begged for some lovin and affection. She smothered us with kisses and lots of love. The next thing we know is we forgot to get the cat food and came home with our sweet angel.
In February of 2021 Bella was diagnosed with IVDD and required surgery to repair a ruptured disk. Surgery at Veterinary Specialty Center in Buffalo Grove was a success and recommended VSMRHG for Bella’s rehab.
Favorite Motivator
Pupperoini’s and pets
How VSMR has helped Guido
After meeting with Dr. Amber, we knew Bella was in good hands. Dr. Amber did a wonderful job explaining what happened to Bella’s spine and how it heals. She drew a diagram for us to better understand the healing process. She also put together a comprehensive treatment plan and schedule for us to look over, so we knew what’s expected during her appointments. Dr. Amber and her technicians are amazing. Bella continues to make improvements as we work with her at home with exercises recommended by Dr. Amber. Bella loved going to therapy at VSMRHG.
Additional Information
Going through the adoption process we found out she was returned for being too hyper. Bella has lots of energy but it’s positive energy. She’s the reason we get off the couch and out to the parks. We’ve made many friendships since she joined our family 6 years ago. Bella enjoys, looking for rabbits, rides in the truck, camping, play dates with her friends, and snuggling with family.
Non-Profit Organization
At VSMR, we ask the owners of our Patient of the Month to choose a non-profit to be featured and donated to. Bella’s owners have chosen TLC Animal Shelter in Homer Glenn.
Bella Gallery